Ufo Sightings Or Just A New Car?

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As I was going through my emails from individuals who allow Alien Investigations to tell their story I couldn’t help but to wonder how UFO sightings have increased.

I spoke with a military official who wishes to remain anonymous who stated he personally worked on crafts similar to these here in the video and watched them being tested over 10 years ago?

I reached out to this gentleman once again but I have not been able to reach him.

As increasingly reports come in daily to numerous media outlets we are now going to have to wonder even harder now which ones are the new cars and which ones are the truth.

Is this just another cover-up to hide the fact that people are becoming more aware to the truth?

Personal documented videos, pictures are uploaded daily to numerous media sites hoping to stop the outbreak but the truth cannot be hidden.

Have you seen one of these crafts being tested in your area?

We here at Alien Investigations want to hear from you.

I’m Magalina Masso investigator and reporter forĀ  Alien Investigations bringing you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God.

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Ronnie Rokk Smith

108 Posts | Member since 2017-06-08
Ufologist, alien investigator, marketer, and writer. Don't ever let someone make up your mind for you. Do your due diligence and your own research if you really want to know the truth.