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Good evening brothers sisters family and friends…
Happy 4th of July to everyone and please make sure you, take all safety precautions this year when lighting off fireworks.
As I sit here and look up at the moon I can’t help but wonder if the sudden roar I hear is fireworks or something more sinister watching from beyond the clouds.
As I looked over to my right I quickly grabbed my camera to photograph some of the formations in the sky.
I suddenly got a shiver down my spine not from the beauty of the clouds but from the noise that’s coming from them.
My mind quickly falls back to the movie Independence Day and I wonder if 2017 is going to be ours.
The roar from beyond the clouds suddenly gets weaker and weaker as they separate and disappear.
When you look into the sky do you ever wonder why some clouds roar as the formation around them looks like smoke coming from a bomb?
Are aliens watching us right in front of our eyes but out of sight?
As you enjoy your Fourth of July fireworks tonight don’t forget to grab your cell phone, video camera or anything that just might capture a glimpse of what is lurking in the sky above just waiting for the right moment to make its move.
Do You Have A Story To Report?
If you have captured any video footage, pictures or you have a story that needs to be exposed and wish to remain anonymous please click on “Report A UFO” tab on this website and fill out our form where your voice will be heard.
We are here to listen to you and bring you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God.
This is Magalina Masso Reporter, journalist, and writer for Alien Investigations wishing you a great 4th of July and stay safe.